First blog post

I am OneBlessedMom and I want to share my stories with you. There have been so many times that I have turned to the internet for some advice on something when I felt totally lost and found someone going through the same thing as me. That is why I have started this. I want to share my life experiences and stories with you to help you connect with someone out there and know that there is someone who is going through the same things as you. So thank you for joining me on my life journey and I am glad that we get to go through this together.

A little about me. I am married to my wonderful husband, Joe, of four years. I could not imagine going through life with anyone else. He is my rock and helps to keep me going. I have two wonderful little boys, Aidan who is three and Noah who is seven months. These boys definitely keep me on my toes. Aidan is my spunky little boy who is everything I have always wanted to be. He is fearless, outgoing, and strong willed (I don’t know where he gets that from). Noah is my little bundle of smiles. His smiles are contagious and he always fills any room he crawls into with joy. If we all smiled as much as he does there would never be a sad face on the earth.

I am a second grade teacher who has been teaching for four years. I absolutely love it and could not imagine doing anything else with my life. Teaching has always been my passion as I remember playing “school” instead of playing “house” when I was a little girl. I would set up everything in my house as a classroom and go at it for hours. I had the smartest little brother and stuffed animals anyone has ever met. Now I am that same little girl just in a bigger body and I am passing my knowledge onto our future leaders of the world instead of stuffed animals (I think we might get a little further in life if we have intelligent children over stuffed animals). The truth is though the students I see every day teach me more than I could ever teach them. 

On top of being a wife, mother of two, and a teacher, I am going to school to get my masters in education administration. I have found that there is always more to learn. It could be in life, from a textbook, or even from yourself. Learning is how we grow in life. You may learn what to do or what not to do. Learning is something that we all do every day. I went back to get my masters in administration to learn more, more about our schools, more about being a leader, and mostly more about myself. I am almost done as I only have three months left until I graduate. One thing that I have always told myself is to set a goal for yourself and achieve it more than you ever thought you would. 

Well I hope that you have enjoyed getting to know a little about me. I will be posting once a week with what is going on in my life as well as an adventure idea each week. I hope that you share your stories with me as we go through this adventure called life together. 


Count Your Blessings


6 thoughts on “First blog post

  1. Your first blog is amazing i love it. i love your whole page. i may have to rethink my mine again. I see your a teacher. I am educator as well. I am a ABA Teacher Assistant and I enjoy working with my students as well. I look forward to reading more of your blog posts.

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